Collaboration with Mathew Suen
What if instead of you going to a place, the place goes to you? AQ625 begins with this drastic, yet hypothetical situation; Socrates is freed from gravity and leaves a sinkhole behind. Our billboard poster presents the image of Socrates floating south of Lower Manhattan of New York. Its direction is undetermined and so is its timeline. Along with its mysterious time code, 6:25, our image borrows the language of film trailers whereby a future event is set for anticipation. Its potential narratives are left to be fulfilled by the visitor’s imagination. Also, extends the various dialogues provoked by Socrates’ sudden migration, with works by six artists and architects. Socrates escapes Astoria.
The Hole at Socrates,
AQ625: Site on the Move, 2016
Inkjet vinyl on billboard
Potted Socrates, 2016-
PNG library
Potted Socrates, 2016-
PNG library