Birthdays explore deficiencies in media formats documenting events where authenticity is unstable and suspect. The flattened media, which the scenes were recorded on obfuscates the histories and intimacies I shared with the participants, brutally rendering friends and hired company to a uniform performance of scripted happiness and are thus unreliable for viewers to confirm whether a friend is truly a friend or just bought.
In Rent to Own, a combination of my objects, friends’ objects and rented objects is arranged with my documentations of the birthday events in the gallery. Each day of the exhibition presents a new deadline for returning certain rented objects.
Rent to Own Ad, 2013
Ink on paper, 11 x 8.5
Birthdays I, 2013
Digital print, 9 x 11.5
Birthdays II, 2013
Digital print, 9 x 12.25
Rent to Own - Day 1 through Day 10, 2013
My objects, friends’ objects and rented objects, dimensions unmeasurable
Rent to Own - Day 1 through Day 10, 2013
My objects, friends’ objects and rented objects, dimensions unmeasurable
Rent to Own - Day 1 through Day 10, 2013
My objects, friends’ objects and rented objects, dimensions unmeasurable
Rent to Own - Day 1 through Day 10, 2013
My objects, friends’ objects and rented objects, dimensions unmeasurable
Rent to Own - Day 1 through Day 10, 2013
My objects, friends’ objects and rented objects, dimensions unmeasurable
Rent to Own - Day 1 through Day 10, 2013
My objects, friends’ objects and rented objects, dimensions unmeasurable